It is the summer of 1984 in Schmalenstedt, in the middle of Holstein Switzerland, directly on the Baltic Sea. The 17-year-old Malte Ahrens, who calls himself Roddy Dangerblood, lives with his elderly parents in a farmhouse, is trained as a potter and has discovered for himself the punk that has made its way into Schmalenstedt with some delay.

Release Date : Oct 10, 2009

Genres : ,

Production Company : Schramm Film, NDR, ARD

Production Countries : Germany

Original Language : Deutsch

Casts : Cecil von Renner, Pit Bukowski, Daniel Michel, Laszlo Horwitz, Samuel Auer, Wilfried Dziallas, Axel Prahl, Ole Fischer, Friederike Wagner, Peter Jordan, Mersiha Husagić

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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